Obituary of Harry Raymond DeLong
Harry Raymond DeLong
Apr.16, 1930 - Mar. 11, 2024
Born in Barss Corner, Nova Scotia, Harry was one of seven children to Herman and (Ethiel) Blanche DeLong; Vernon (Marjorie), Ottis (Estella), Vivian Eisner (Ralston), Jean MacKay Mosher (Hubert, Carl), Carl (Beatrice, Barbara) and Laurie (Merna, Bonnie, Anne)
As Harry grew and contributed to the family farm, he became afflicted with asthma and realized farm life was not to be his calling. At sixteen, he was accepted at Horton Academy, part of Acadia University and then Maritime Business College graduating with a certificate of Business Administration. His first gainful employment was with Eastern Trust Company in Halifax.
After three years of trust accounting, Harry was walking with two companions on a lunch break headed south on Barrington St. when they came upon a military recruitment center. They decided to go in and, after interrogation, two of the three were official members of the R.C.A.F. A month later, they were sent to officer’s training in London, Ont. Harry was elected for pilot training but was ultimately reconsidered as unfit for air crew due to his asthma. He returned to civilian work.
In 1953, Harry found employment in the building trades industry (Ottawa Valley Lumber) and a lifelong partner in his wife, (Rhoda) Pauline Beattie. Harry and Pauline had five children, Valarie Dore (Mike), Richard (Christine), Janice Rand (Paul), Chris (Joan), and Sylvia Ali (Sam). Eventually, eleven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Harry’s employment with Ottawa Valley Lumber Company as an accountant soon spread to sales as he travelled to represent New Glasgow, the South Shore, and the Annapolis Valley regions. Harry also went to Newfoundland to be the first representative of the company to expand into that province. Business was good and became too large for one salesman. Harry was asked to focus on just the Annapolis and South Shore regions as others came on to take some of the load. After six years working from Kingston, N.S. Harry was asked to head the branch in Fredericton, New Brunswick when Ottawa Valley Lumber Company was purchased by Canadian Forest Products ltd. which became Canfor in 1966. By 1970, Harry was asked to return to the regional head office in Halifax as Atlantic Regional Sales Supervisor, a position he held until retirement in 1986. After retirement, and a relocation to Springfield, N.S., he felt he had more to give and entered politics being elected twice as Warden of Annapolis County serving eight years.
Harry was always very active with the church and enjoyed contributing in many ways. He was Sunday School Superintendent, Church Treasurer, Deacon, member of many committees and groups and very involved with music. He was a member of many church choirs and had a wonderful tenor voice. He was involved in barbershop singing as well and could always find harmony.
Harry had many hobbies over the years. He had an extensive pencil/pen collection started from his years of travelling in sales and he was proud to have a pencil or pen from every province and State. He loved ice cream, canoeing and many outdoor activities including hunting, hiking, four-wheeling, and snowmobiling. He enjoyed woodworking and carpentry and often offered his efforts for free just because he loved the work. Many of the structures he built are still standing and most were built largely by himself alone.
Harry will be missed by all who loved him and knew him.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Sweeny’s Funeral Home, 35 York Street, Bridgewater. A celebration of Harry’s life is to be held at Bridgewater Baptist Church on April 1st, 2024, at 2 pm. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Bridgewater Baptist Church building fund. Online condolences and donations may be made by visiting www.sweenys funeralhome.com.